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Blushield PH I Series 02 Plugin

The PHI Series 02 Plugin is recommended for many homes and small offices where exposure to EMF is moderate to high.

One plugin per floor or depending on the area of coverage 45m in every direction. This model uses very little power and is best plugged into a central location within your home, not the bedroom. A hallway or lounge area would be best.

Do not make the mistake of purchasing a portable model to carry around in your home and think you are protected. We recommend you first start with the Plug-in model and use the portable solely for venturing outside the protected (plugin) area. The Plugin offers a stronger and larger area of protection for your home or office than the portable.


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Blushield PHI Series 02 Plugin

The PHI Series 02 Plugin is recommended for many homes and small offices where exposure to EMF is moderate to high.

One plugin per floor or depending on the area of coverage 45m in every direction. This model uses very little power and is best plugged into a central location within your home, not the bedroom. A hallway or lounge area would be best.

Do not make the mistake of purchasing a portable model to carry around in your home and think you are protected. We recommend you first start with the Plug-in model and use the portable solely for venturing outside the protected (plugin) area. The Plugin offers a stronger and larger area of protection for your home or office than the portable.

This new multi-wave scalar waveform configuration offers the best protection to date from radio frequency radiation and 5G. Some people will experience a minor detox while initially using this product, and some will not. This may be due to the release of stress on the body from EMF and also the immune system may normalize.

Blushield PHI Series 02 Plugin


  • Designed for Smart Meters and Smart devices
  • Designed for 5G protection
  • Covers a 45-meter spherical diameter area
  • Uses multiple waveform output
  • High-level pulse sent through wiring
  • Great for homes and offices where EMF is high
  • Recommended for the best protection from RF
  • Some detox effect
  • High-strength field effect
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Reduces EMF symptoms
  • Promotes emotional stability
  • Helps maintain a level of alertness
  • Enables restful sleep
  • Increase energy levels

Blushield Active EMF Protection Technology is an Active solution for EMF (emissions from wireless products or items powered by mains power) which is one form of incoherence within our environment. The Blushield uses power to mitigate EMF (electromagnetic fields) at a cell level. This is called Active EMF Protection Technology because the Blushield uses powerful fields instead of weak passive fields that may transmute energies or EM fields. Passive devices can be stickers, pendants, or pyramids, all of which seem to be far less effective at bringing coherence to the body and environment. In a lot of cases, these passive technologies are short-lived or become useless over time as the energy is static and doesn’t adjust to the environment.

As a tuning fork resonates so too does another tuning fork when we bring the vibrating one close enough within range of it. This is called sympathetic resonance. In effect, this is how the Blushield works. A coherent field is produced and it is brought within our local environment, as long as all the right attributes are there the body will, in turn, become more coherent (in balance).


  • more energy
  • less fatigue
  • more balanced
  • increased stamina
  • more strength
  • less stress
  • better mood
  • sounder sleep
  • less irritable
  • more relaxed
  • more coherent

Most people experience positive improvements immediately with some reporting previous symptoms of incoherence disappearing.

How Does Blushield Work

When you plug it starts emitting a symphony of frequencies within the human-responsive range. The body will then respond to the Blushield products rather than your Wi-Fi, smart meter, or mobile phone. This is called sympathetic resonance. Your body would much rather respond to natural frequencies than man-made EMF, whatever shape or form they come in.

Blushield makes typical Schumann devices (7.83Hz earth resonance devices) look old school. The types of devices on the market today seem to be using the same technology which we proved to be ineffective long term back in the 90’s. The Technology behind Blushield is the most advanced EMF protection on the planet. Developing this technology has taken the best part of 25 years and over 2 million dollars to develop.

The goal was to develop an EMF protection device that would work, with everyone, not just some people, and ultimately protect people from the health effects of EMF.

Something that we could prove scientifically using blood tests, evaluations, and duplicates. We also knew that for most people to be able to afford protection we had to market a device that would be affordable to the average person, unlike so many other devices currently available.


  • Coherent resonances that are familiar to our cells: we have evolved with these over eons
  • Blushield mimics nature but much more powerfully
  • Blushield’s coherent field overrides all ambient EMF fields, including wireless radiation
  • Blushield’s coherent waveform is engineered to achieve maximum effectiveness

BlueShield Case Studies and Amazing Test Results

Click Here to See BluShield Case Studies and Test Results

Blushield provides what is known as active emf protection to protect a large range as opposed to passive emf protection offered on our competitors’ devices. Our competitor’s passive devices offer an extremely limited range which in many cases can be less than an inch.

If you’re wondering why people who live in 5G rollout areas seem to be going insane, it’s not your imagination. 5G radiation causes “neuropsychiatric” effects through a mechanism described as ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, according to research published in Environmental Research.

This results in behavioral changes and even personality changes among those who are routinely exposed, researchers found. In other words, 5G is a weapon system that doubles as a telecommunications infrastructure, but the real impact is to damage human brain function and destroy rationality, reason, and civility, especially among those who live in high-population cities where 5G towers are becoming ubiquitous. That’s why you may have noticed increased insanity and widespread mental derangement in those areas.

Also, consider: PRAESIDIUM 5G & EMF SHIELD

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